Financial ratio — Corporate finance … Wikipedia
Financial ratio — The result of dividing one financial statement item by another. Ratios help analysts interpret financial statements by focussing on specific relationships. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * financial ratio financial ratio ➔ ratio * * *… … Financial and business terms
financial ratio — The result of dividing one financial statement item by another. Ratios help analysts interpret financial statements by focusing on specific relationships. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * financial ratio financial ratio ➔ ratio * * *… … Financial and business terms
financial ratio — See: accounting ratio … Accounting dictionary
ratio — the proportional relationship of one thing to another * * * ratio ra‧ti‧o [ˈreɪʆiəʊ ǁ ˈreɪʆoʊ] noun [countable] a relationship between two amounts that is represented by a pair of numbers showing how much greater one amount is than the other: •… … Financial and business terms
Financial analysis — refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other … Wikipedia
Financial capital — is money used by entrepreneurs and businesses to buy what they need to make their products or provide their services. Financial capital vs. real capitalFinancial capital refers to the funds provided by lenders (and investors) to businesses to… … Wikipedia
Financial deepening — is a term used often by economic development experts. It refers to the increased provision of financial services with a wider choice of services geared to all levels of society.It also refers to the macro effects of financial deepening on the… … Wikipedia
Financial Obligation Ratio - FOR — An estimate of the ratio of debt payments to disposable income. The types of debt included in the financial obligation ratio include mortgage payments, credit cards, property tax and lease payments. For a homeowner, the FOR may also include… … Investment dictionary
accounting ratio — financial ratio A ratio calculated from two or more figures taken from the financial statements of a company in order to provide an indication of the financial performance and position of that company. Ratios may be expressed as a percentage (e.g … Accounting dictionary
Financial endowment — A financial endowment is a transfer of money or property donated to an institution. The total value of an institution s investments is often referred to as the institution s endowment and is typically organized as a public charity, private… … Wikipedia